Hi-Tech Holidays: Put Privacy in Mind When Picking out Presents

’Tis the season: November is at its end, and suddenly your shopping list has moved into overdrive with gift purchases, be they intended for family, friends, or an office Secret Santa. With the increasing rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) products, it’s very likely you have thought about giving a gift of a connected […]

Blockchain and Privacy: the New Frontier

It’s hard to enter a technical conference these days without at least one party bringing up the advancements of blockchain. With support from big-name players including IBM, J.P. Morgan Chase and Microsoft, and the foundation behind the advancement of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, researchers now argue blockchain may be the ultimate disruptive technology. Certainly if […]

Privacy and Politics: Government Use of Your Information

It has been a hot summer for 2017 so far, and I’m not talking weather. On June 28th, privacy specialists and political commenters were shocked to discover Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach and vice chair of the new Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity requested each of the 50 American States of the U.S. […]

Bon Voyage: Protecting Your Data Privacy When Traveling Abroad

Sweet summer days are finally here. Depending on where and how you work, this might be a time for family vacations and relaxing by the sea, or getting up at the crack of dawn and giving thanks to the inventor of air conditioning! As the tourism and aerospace industries can attest, summer is peak travel […]

Data Protection for Species at Risk

For those interested in researching habits of aquatic life, following aviary migration or getting further insight into land animal movement patterns, now’s an excellent time to be a part of the field. With current technology including geolocation trackers, drones and satellite surveillance, we can collect more information on the world around us than ever before. […]

Geolocation Data Tracking: What Are the Privacy Risks?

Your phone, car, and numerous other connected devices are tracking you; what’s the harm? Once a luxury and now a connected default, we live in a world where business and government can know where we are at any given time and where we’ve been; so long as we’re allowing that data to be collected and […]

Three Resolutions for Your Business or Startup Information in the New Year

There’s nothing like that refreshed feeling that takes over in January. New month, new year, new hopes and new plans. Gym membership lists prosper from the annual goals of getting more exercise, while retail chains clean up from post-boxing day chaos and order in roses and chocolate for February. In the office world, January means […]

United Kingdom Flag

Privacy in a Post-Brexit World

All ballots are in, and the world has changed: on June 24th, voters in the United Kingdom took part in what has been named Brexit, the referendum on the country’s membership in the European Union. With a total of 51.9% votes to leave, the fallout has been staggering: the pound dropping to it’s lowest point […]