Function Creep: The Frankenstein of Privacy

Do you worry about how a new technology could invade your privacy in the future? Are you ever concerned that the company you give your data to will use it against you down the road? Have you wondered if it’s time tinfoils hats came back into style? If so, you’re not alone. While innovators assure […]

Privacy and Surveillance on Film: Seven Movies Worth Watching This Summer

Debating on your next summer flick? The drive-in scene might be dead, but there’s still something about fresh popcorn and late night movie. Fortunately for film buffs, stories that explore loss of privacy has become the subject of more that a few fictional blockbusters…. and increasingly, real life drama & documentary. So grab a snack, […]

Five Books for Parents to Teach Their Children Online Privacy

Worried about how much information your children are sharing in today’s connected world? There’s no question parenting has hit a steep learning curve over the past few years. Parents now face a problem their predecessors never did: protecting, educating and learning to trust children as they grow up within the digital age. There’s a huge […]

Why All Those Privacy Policy Updates Are Essential

…Even If You Don’t Read Privacy Policies. Burned-out by all the ‘updated privacy policies’ hitting your inbox as of late? If you’ve ever been online, ever signed up for the smallest service, network, web application or mailing list, odd are high you’ve received a more than a few alerts that an organization has made changes […]

European Union flag on laptop - the GDPR

7 Ways to Get Started with the GDPR

Psst, is your business ready for the General Data Protection Regulation? On May 25th one of the world’s largest and most expansive privacy laws comes into force, with over 97 Articles and mandatory practices for organizations collecting, using, storing, distributing or destroying personal information (PI). The General Data Protection Regulation, commonly referred to the GDPR, […]

Facebook likes and dislikes

Will Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica Fallout Really Change the Company?

By now, you’ve probably heard of Cambridge Analytica and the most recent scandal involving Facebook user data. As huge big data firm that works in behavioural targeting, with ties to both the pro-BritEx movement and Donald Trump’s election campaign, Cambridge Analytica has been exposed for misusing the data of 50+ million Facebook users. While this […]

Buyer Beware: Should Privacy Policies Be Outside the Box?

Should privacy policies be outside the box? When you pick up an item and bring it home, did you remember to check online to see if it could spy on your habits? Should you have to? Prior to the Internet of Things, the idea of hidden cameras and secret surveillance on the mainstream public would […]