Changes are coming to privacy regulations. Data breaches keep happening for the same old reasons. But above all, your users want better.
Tag Archives: Internet of Things
Dancing, but Not Prancing: 2019’s Worst Gifts for Personal Privacy
There’s nothing like invasive spy tech under the tree to make one long for a lump of coal.
Buyer Beware: Should Privacy Policies Be Outside the Box?
Should privacy policies be outside the box? When you pick up an item and bring it home, did you remember to check online to see if it could spy on your habits? Should you have to? Prior to the Internet of Things, the idea of hidden cameras and secret surveillance on the mainstream public would […]
Hi-Tech Holidays: Put Privacy in Mind When Picking out Presents
’Tis the season: November is at its end, and suddenly your shopping list has moved into overdrive with gift purchases, be they intended for family, friends, or an office Secret Santa. With the increasing rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) products, it’s very likely you have thought about giving a gift of a connected […]