Six Ways to Save Money for Information Security

How much money does your small business spend on information security per year? Not sure? Afraid to say? Relax, we’re not here to judge. The reality is, every business runs on a budget. Smaller businesses typically have less resources than larger corporations. Less resources mean less capital to devote towards IT security. For a company […]

Rooting out Taxonomy Trees

Looking to get an organization on board with controlled vocabulary? Consider for your business intelligence and information design needs: the taxonomy tree.

Three Resolutions for Your Business or Startup Information in the New Year

There’s nothing like that refreshed feeling that takes over in January. New month, new year, new hopes and new plans. Gym membership lists prosper from the annual goals of getting more exercise, while retail chains clean up from post-boxing day chaos and order in roses and chocolate for February. In the office world, January means […]

Canadian Researcher? 5 Elements from the Statement of Principles on Data Management You Need to Know.

On June 15th, the Government of Canada published the Tri-Agency Statement of Principles on Data Management, promoting data management for federally-funded research efforts going forward. Outlining the responsibilities of individuals, institutions, funders and the research community as a whole, the statement does not lay out a standard data management program, but instead expectations on what […]