Information Ethics, New Technology, & General Industry Commentary
What is new in the fields of information, data, privacy or security? Is there a new hack you should be aware of? Cool new tool you'll want to pick up, or trend to avoid? From news and trends to simple food for thought.
Privacy and Politics: Government Use of Your Information
It has been a hot summer for 2017 so far, and I’m not talking weather. On June 28th, privacy specialists and political commenters were shocked to discover Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach and vice chair of the new Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity requested each of the 50 American States of the U.S. […]
Bon Voyage: Protecting Your Data Privacy When Traveling Abroad
Sweet summer days are finally here. Depending on where and how you work, this might be a time for family vacations and relaxing by the sea, or getting up at the crack of dawn and giving thanks to the inventor of air conditioning! As the tourism and aerospace industries can attest, summer is peak travel […]
Concerned About Your ISP Privacy in the United States?
The Federal Communications Commission’s stance on privacy is changing: on March 28th, with a 215-205 vote the order passed through congress, and is now expecting to be signed and stamped by President Donald Trump to do away with the laws previously passed last October. The privacy laws, approved of by the previous Obama administration but […]
Geolocation Data Tracking: What Are the Privacy Risks?
Your phone, car, and numerous other connected devices are tracking you; what’s the harm? Once a luxury and now a connected default, we live in a world where business and government can know where we are at any given time and where we’ve been; so long as we’re allowing that data to be collected and […]
7 Ways the Information Landscape Changed in 2016
Dear 2016: don’t take it personally, but I’m really, really glad you’re coming to a close.That seems to be the sentiment with many friends and colleagues as we discuss the end of the year. It’s not that 2016 has been all bad, but it’s certainly become a bitter pill to swallow. Massacres in Syria, protectionist […]
I See What You Said There: How Killing Privacy Threatens Free Speech
From the outside, privacy and free speech might appear two very different beasts: after all, free speech is the right to communicate to the public about views, faith, opinions and thoughts without fear of government arrest or worse. Privacy, by contrast, is the right to sit back quietly : to worship, read, write, speak with […]
Mapping the Battlefields: Where Privacy Is Expected to Clash with Trump
It is official: as of November 9th, Donald Trump has been elected to be the 45th president of the United States of America. The news has left the world in a state of shock, with cheers from his followers and protests from others, as everyone scrambles now that the ‘what if’ scenario of a Trump […]
Big Data Comes to Halifax
If you are in business, research or technology, odds are you’ve heard about the term ‘big data’. Definitions range from ‘more data than you can understand’ to ‘a change in how we process and interpret, with more information than we know what to do with’. The exact science is still a debate, but the impact […]